Human for Human Organization celebrated the graduation of a new batch of trainees in various workshops (the art of photography and montage workshop and three workshops specialized in decoration and dyeing) at Al-Sayyab Hall in the Basra Governorate Diwan in the presence of legal professor Hassan Dhaher Al-Najjar, assistant governor for labor and social affairs, and Mr. Muin Al-Hassan, administrative assistant to the governor Basra and Ms. Enas Ismail Jaber, Director of the Women Empowerment Department in the Basra Governorate Diwan, Ms. Amira Khalaf, Director of the Department of Labor and Social Affairs, Director of the Relations Division in the Basra Governorate Diwan, a number of directors of vocational training centers, a representative of the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Basra Governorate, and representatives of private sector companies specialized in decoration and paint, including Lamar Paints Company and Burger Paints Company.

The ceremony included the reading of Surat Al-Fatihah to the martyrs of Iraq and listening to the national anthem, and then the speech of the Assistant Executive Director of Human for Human Organization delivered by Mr. Hussein Tariq. It included the objectives of the program and what has been achieved so far. He thanked the supporting bodies of government institutions and private sector companies, and then a speech by the assistant governor. For work and social affairs, Mr. Hassan Al-Najjar expressed during his speech his thanks and high appreciation for the work of Man for Man and his partner GIZ for the services it provides to young people, after confirming his great desire to attend all the activities implemented by the organization and the speech of the Director of the Women Empowerment Department in the Basra Governorate Office Where she expressed her thanks to the organization, especially the tangible results and economically feasible events that are presented to young men and women.. The ceremony included the distribution of shields of excellence to the officials of the government institutions supporting our work, for their cooperation with our organization for the success of the program, where the shield of excellence and creativity was handed over to the governorate Basra, Mr. Hassan Al-Najjar received it on behalf of the honorable Governor of Basra, and the rest of the shields were delivered In the Department of Women Empowerment, the Department of Labor and Vocational Training, the Administrative Governor’s Assistant and the private sector companies. Then the passing certificates were distributed to all the young graduates and they were equipped with the necessary equipment to work (the art of photography and montage workshop). The first ten of the distinguished trainees were equipped with professional cameras and the young men who distinguished themselves in the decoration and paint workshops Integrated manual count. At the end of the ceremony, the Deputy Executive Director of Human for Human thanked all the attendees, officials and guests, stressing the organization's keenness to support the Iraqi youth sector... These workshops came within the Maharat program that was implemented by Human for Human organization and in partnership with the German agency giz Funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation bmz and in cooperation with the local government in Basra to promote employment in the private sector.

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