The course (Training Professional Trainers on Modern Training Methods) was concluded, the second course of its kind, which lasted for five days from 16-20 October 2022 and was implemented directly by the Human for Human Organization

Within the Maharat program in partnership with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and within its project to support the private sector and promote employment in Iraq, and jointly funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Development, bmz, and in cooperation with the local government in Basra Governorate..

... 24 professional trainers from the Training and Development Division of the Basra Governorate Diwan, the Vocational Training Centers, and the Youth and Sports Directorate participated in this course. At the end of this course, passing certificates were distributed to the participants who expressed their gratitude to the Human for Human Organization for providing the opportunity for all the professional trainers to participate and interact during the training course days.

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