Under the patronage of the Governor of Basra, the respected Engineer Asaad Al-Eidani, and in the presence of his first deputy, Professor (Mohammed Taher Al-Tamimi), the activities of the Basra International Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Exhibition were launched on the 4th of October on the grounds of the Basra Exhibition in the port of Al-Maqal.

The exhibition was launched with the participation of 50 local and foreign companies from 12 countries, including Iraq, Turkey, South Korea, China, Egypt, UAE, India, Iran, Jordan and Lebanon, in addition to the Human for Human Organization (H4H), which was distinguished by its unique participation and in partnership with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) within the private sector development project And the promotion of employment in Iraq, where the most important work carried out by the organization during the last period was presented within the (Maharat) program, which is a joint program with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ), which was professionally designed to develop the private sector And promoting employment in Iraq in cooperation with the local government in Basra.

The Turkish Consul in Basra Governorate, Mr. Özgün, visited the organization's pavilion and expressed his great admiration for the work carried out by the organization and its staff during his meeting with the executive director of the organization, Dr. Walid Al-Kaabi, indicating that the Turkish consulate in Basra is pleased with the permanent communication with the organization and future cooperation to serve the youth of Iraq. After that, the representative of the local government in Basra, the First Deputy Governor, Mr. Mohammed Taher Al-Tamimi, visited the wing of Human for Human (H4H). He met with the Executive Director of the Organization, Dr. Waleed Al-Kaabi, and the staff of the Organization, expressing his admiration for the important work in order to develop the capabilities of public and private sector employees and create real opportunities for young job seekers of both sexes in Basra Governorate, stressing the support of the local government in Basra for all the work of the Organization. The Director General of the South Refineries Company, Mr. (Hossam Hassan Wali) also visited the pavilion of the organization and during his conversation with Dr. (Waleed Al-Kaabi) praised the important works and skills courses implemented by Human for Human in order to qualify unemployed youth and make them carry out their work directly through the establishment of small projects that support the private sector, expressing at the same time full readiness to cooperate with all the work of the organization to support the youth category, and the Director of the South Refineries Company stressed the continuation of meetings. And communication with H4H Organization for the purpose of qualifying the youth sector and their inclusion in the labor market, as visited on the third day of the activities of the Basra International Exhibition for Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Mr. (Sabih Al-Hashimi), President of the Businessmen Union in the Governor of Basra and his accompanying delegation the pavilion of the Organization and met with the Executive Director of the Organization Dr. (Waleed Al-Kaabi) and the two parties talked about the mechanism of joint cooperation between Ensan Organization and the Union of Businessmen, praising the important and great efforts that are based on Mr. Al-Hashemi stressed the keenness of the Businessmen Union to communicate constantly with the organization for the purpose of participating in the upcoming works, implementing important projects and creating jobs for young people who participate in the courses implemented by the organization to support the private sector and support young graduates seeking employment. On the sidelines of the exhibition, and while meeting the invitation of the implementing company Al-Sorouh to hold the exhibition for dinner, a meeting was held with the Egyptian Consul in Basra Governorate and talked about the possibility of communicating with the Egyptian Consul regarding the exchange of experiences and entrepreneurship for Iraqi youth, and the Egyptian Consul welcomed communication with the management of H4H,,,, and on the sidelines of this exhibition, the former Minister of Transport, a member of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Mr. Amer Abdul Jabbar, visited the pavilion of the organization and met with Dr. Walid Al-Kaabi, stressing that The important leading role of the organization in supporting and promoting employment in the private sector and the professional role of the organization in enhancing the skills required for job seekers has expressed his readiness to communicate with the organization to contribute to the important work and specialized courses provided to the youth segment, and visited many foreign and local companies the pavilion of the organization H4H as well as students of Basra University expressing their great admiration for the work of H4H and keen to communicate with the staff of the organization to participate in all specialized courses to earn technical skills.

At the conclusion of the Basra International Conference and Exhibition for Oil, Gas, Energy and Renewable Energy 2022 on the grounds of the Basra Exhibition, Al-Maqal Port, for four consecutive days.

Because our organization plays an important role in supporting youth in all its programs that are implemented, especially the Maharat program, which is currently being implemented in cooperation with the project for developing the private sector and promoting employment in Iraq of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation bmz A certificate of appreciation was handed over from the executing authority to set up the exhibition, the director of Al-Sorouh Real Estate Investment and Exhibitions Organization, to H4H, in appreciation of the efforts exerted and the active role of the organization to make the exhibition a success.

Several meetings were held for different channels to the organization’s pavilion in the exhibition to enhance the media aspect and the activities of our organization, and several companies and investors from local and foreign companies were met in Basra Governorate, and they showed their great cooperation with the organization because of the great support it provides to the unemployed youth category.

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