Human for Human Organization implemented a workshop to Training of Professional Trainers ( TOT) on Modern Training Methods within the Maharat program in cooperation with the Project for Private Sector Development and Employment Promotion in Iraq of the German Agency GIZ and funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation BMZ

The workshop lasted for five days, in which (24) trainers participated in the vocational training centers and the Directorate of Youth and Sports in Basra Governorate. They are (Vocational Training Center Basra District, Vocational Training Center Khor Al-Zubayr and Abu Al-Khasib Vocational Training Center)..

Within its activities, the workshop dealt with several important axes, including the roles of the effective coach, the exchange of professional experiences, the issue of integration into work, and how to determine the training needs for vocational training. Targeted and planned and between the levels of actual performance in both quantitative and qualitative terms

And the correct way to measure the impact of the trainees through the pre and post test, as well as employing body language in the training process in a professional manner to ensure the success of the training and the clarity of the required outputs, as well as highlighting the important communication signals between the trainer and the target group to ensure the successful and smooth delivery of information. The most important modern behaviors were also explained in The training process and the way to manage it smoothly to attract and attract the trainee throughout the course of the training course

At the end of the workshop, thanks Representative of the Executive Director of Human for Human Organization All participants for their good commitment and great discipline in all training axes and active participation during the training sessions, and certificates of participation were handed over to all trainees

The workshop was carried out at the hall of the Entrepreneurship Station of Human for Human in the center of Basra Governorate and will last for 5 days actual training

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