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?Who is a human for human organization

It is a humanitarian organization that was founded by a group of young doctors, journalists, economists, artists, lawyers, professors and teachers in Iraq in 2003 after the fall of the tyrant Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. Human for Human provides emergency aid to Iraqis and Syrians affected by violence, neglect or crises, mainly due to armed conflicts, epidemics, malnutrition, deprivation of health care or natural disasters. Human for Human's sake provides its assistance in an impartial manner and with complete independence to those who need it most.

What is the work of a human for human organization?

During and in the aftermath of emergencies, Human for Human provides humanitarian services, including food and non-food aid, health care and rehabilitation services, as well as managing hospitals and clinics, performing surgical operations, as well as combating epidemics resulting from conflict, implementing vaccination campaigns, and managing feeding centers for malnourished children. Mental health care. In addition, the organization builds wells, distributes potable water, and provides shelter materials such as blankets and plastic sheets. It also provides income-generation projects and legal services. It also carries out development projects and helps local governments develop their capabilities, in addition to developing the capacities of young people in the areas of human development and human rights.

?Why does the organization intervene

The main objective of humanitarian work is to save lives, relieve those in need from their suffering, and help individuals recover their abilities after finding themselves in life-threatening circumstances. This is exactly what HUMAN works to achieve by providing assistance when crises such as armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition and natural disasters ravage local health care systems. The organization also works to help people who face discrimination or neglect by local health care systems, or when some population groups are excluded from health care completely, all elements of services and provide the necessary protection for the most vulnerable groups..

Youth protection and development

Positive Youth Development or PYD refers to the global efforts of other youth, adults, community, government agencies, and schools to achieve opportunities for young people to advance their interests, skills, and abilities into adulthood. Youth development is considered comprehensive, physically, practically and emotionally, that occurs in the period of adolescence, which ranges between the ages of ten to twenty-four years. Simply put, it is a process by which young people acquire the social knowledge, skills, and emotional abilities that they demand throughout life (University of Minnesota Counseling Center for Youth Development). Although the word "youth" can be used synonymously with "child" and "adolescent" or "young person", The phrase "youth development" or "positive youth development" is often used in the scientific literature and by practitioners who work with youth to refer to programs designed to improve these processes. It is distinguished from "youth development" or "adolescent development" in focusing on promoting activity in better human development rather than on the scientific study of age change.

Natural disasters

The main objective of humanitarian work is to save lives, relieve those in need from their suffering, and help individuals recover their abilities after finding themselves in life-threatening circumstances. This is exactly what HUMAN works to achieve by providing assistance when crises such as armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition and natural disasters ravage local health care systems. The organization also works to help people who face discrimination or neglect by local health care systems, or when some population groups are excluded from health care completely, all elements of services and provide the necessary protection for the most vulnerable groups..

Protecting children and adolescents from violence

All children have the right to be protected from violence, exploitation and abuse. Yet millions of children around the world of all social and economic backgrounds, age groups, religions and cultures suffer daily from violence, exploitation and abuse. There are millions more at risk. Some girls and boys are particularly vulnerable because of their gender, race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status. High levels of exposure are often associated with children with disabilities, orphans, indigenous groups, ethnic minorities and other marginalized groups. Through these programs, the child protection teams of Human for Human provide all legal services, medical, social and psychological care services to those who need them, and work with local and national governments and civil society organizations to enhance the right to access such services and increase the level of community acceptance as well It monitors and submits all documents related to violations to the concerned authorities to reduce them

Failure to provide protection

During the refugee and displacement operations, many people are subjected to abuses before Governments or others, where women and children are at the forefront of these violations, where the forms and titles of these violations vary, and our organization seeks to provide all forms of protection through our protection teams

Is Human for Human Organization one of the ?agencies of the United Nations

no. Man for Man is an organization independent of any political, military or religious agenda. The organization's activities have nothing to do with United Nations agencies and subsidiaries. A person for a human being is a member of the United Nations Economic Council after accepting its file on February 16, 2016. However, a human being for humankind and the United Nations can share interests in humanitarian affairs at times.

Is a HFH organization a governmental institution

No. Human for Human is an independent organization that does not belong to any governmental institution and does not represent any governmental or political figure that has complete independence in its work. However, people for people and government institutions can share some interests in affairs for the work of humanity.

?Where does the organization work

It works mainly for human beings, where there is a need for its presence, and it is currently present in most of the governorates of Iraq. It also provides its work largely to Syrian refugees through its main office in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

Does the organization provide its services for free?

yes. All services are provided free of charge. Human for Human Organization rejects the idea that the needy deserve care and third-class assistance and strives to provide high-quality care to the beneficiaries and is looking for a professional staff of the highest levels (with all specializations). For example, from the human for human cadre in Iraq that treats the needy, the organization covers all expenses related to treatment, including travel, housing and other costs. Where does a human for human organization money come from? The independence of financial resources enables the organization to intervene impartially and independently when responding to crises. 90% of all human for human funding comes from private donations, not from governments. In 2014, Human for Human received many donations from donors and private people around the world. But in situations of conflict and war, private donations make up 100% of the funding. The organization also has its own projects that are a result of the permanence of its work and the speed of rapid response in crises.

Does the human rights organization work on religious grounds? Are you spreading religious values?

No.. Human for Human is committed to impartiality and impartiality and works in accordance with ethics in obtaining humanitarian assistance, and demands complete and unconditional freedom in the exercise of its functions. Human for Human works to provide health and humanitarian assistance and protection to affected peoples regardless of religion, ethnic and political affiliations without discrimination.

Our strategy in humanitarian work

Human for Human believes that one of its main missions, as a humanitarian agency, is to communicate the urgent needs of vulnerable and affected populations to the international community. Thus, Human for Human closely consults with the local communities it serves to ensure that its programs do not impose solutions from the outside, but rather meet their long-term needs and requirements. This popular approach proves effective in promoting an environment of self-help and sustainability.

Emergency, health and sanitation

Human for Human meets the immediate needs of victims of natural disasters and civil conflict around the world by providing food rations, clean water, non-food items, transitional shelter and emergency medical services. In addition to emergencies, Human for Human's field teams provide health and long-term nutrition-related services to needy communities through operating clinics and training health workers. Human for Human also provides water and sanitation programmers, giving communities access to clean water, reducing the spread of infectious diseases, and improving quality of life.

Agriculture and food security

Human for Human Food and Agriculture programs include environmental awareness by integrating climate change, natural resource management, and conservation principles into projects that improve global food security. By increasing local communities' knowledge of sound farming methods appropriate to the regional landscape, cultural needs, and environmental concerns, Human for Human empowers farmers to diversify viable crops, benefit from the local growing season, and conserve local natural resources. The result is communities that can produce nutritious food for themselves in a sustainable way.

Human for Human works to support agriculture in several regions of Iraq and Syria, and provides the farmers most in need with the main inputs with the best available specifications, in addition to providing various technical trainings to the beneficiaries on good agricultural practices.
As support for the recovery of the animal production sector, Human for Human is distributing the necessary inputs to livestock breeders, including livestock, fodder, medicines and technical training.

Man for Human also supports various food manufacturing to support income at the family level, especially those that depend on their income for breadwinners.

Education and Empowerment

Education is vital to the social and economic integration of future generations. Human for Human puts great emphasis on this sector to ensure that children affected by the conflict can continue their education. The programs include a wide range of activities: teacher training programs, building libraries and Internet centers, providing books and classroom furniture to schools that lack resources, and promoting equal access to education. These programs also empower youth through service learning and leadership training to become active in their communities and act as agents of change.

Livelihoods and food security projects


Finding a new or better job is the most direct way out of poverty for families in need. Human for Human facilitates this process by providing vocational training, providing microfinance opportunities, and developing promising value chains. As a result of these efforts, farmers are able to take their crops to market before they spoil, and women who do not have a resource can earn an income to support their families. These programs aim to achieve reliable long-term growth, and Human for Human often engages private sector partners to take advantage of additional resources and ensure sustainability.

Human for Human Food Security and Livelihoods Program focuses on two main tracks: rapid response and development projects.

Rapid Response

Human for Human organization quickly identifies the needs and urgent response to the displaced families by distributing ready-to-eat food rations, and supporting bakeries to distribute bread rations and monthly food baskets, either directly or through food support vouchers that allow the family to choose the materials it needs through the stores that A human for human organization contracts with them within the local communities.


development projects


In addition, the organization is implementing multiple projects to rehabilitate and restore food security facilities and return them to the production chain through the “cash-for-work” program for the most vulnerable families in Iraq.

Shelter and Infrastructure

When natural disasters destroy populations or conflict forces families to flee their homes, Human for Human provides temporary and permanent refuge. Human for Human also contributes to the local infrastructure by building schools, irrigation canals and community centers in poor communities. Relief International supports the training of local residents so that they can participate in the construction process, creating livelihood opportunities for members of the local community. Supplemental programs help make homes safer and more comfortable by promoting products such as high-efficiency cook stoves, which reduce indoor air pollution and reduce the need to collect fuel.

Protection and human rights

Millions of people around the world face discrimination, persecution and even violence. Human for Human is at the forefront of implementing programs to protect and support these individuals and encourage peace through conflict resolution through a culture of nonviolence. The result is programs that provide legal aid, combat human trafficking, strengthen media and journalism, and encourage democratic governance. The rights of women and girls are a very important issue in this sector, and they are included in many of the programs of Human for Human. Human for Human's approach to civil society development emphasizes cross-cultural understanding and empowering vulnerable and underrepresented members of society.

Where the organization focused its work in the protection sector in Iraq during the last three years on:

child protection

Human for Human Organization continues to support the child-friendly centers that it opened during the past years, and is also expanding by establishing centers spread in new areas. Each center employs a number of qualified psychosocial supporters who provide recreational psychosocial support activities as well as case management services for the most vulnerable children. Mobile teams are trying to get their services out to children in all regions. In addition, Human for Human has inaugurated the Youth Support Center, which is concerned with age groups from 16 to 24 years old, which focuses on sports activities, open dialogue sessions and film screenings, in addition to vocational training sessions that work on qualifying young people to be able to launch their own careers

Gender-based violence

Human for Human provides its services in the field of gender-based violence through safe spaces for women and girls and women’s creativity support centers spread in areas that have been controlled by terrorist gangs. There is a qualified team working in these centers who are trained before starting to work on all the basic exercises through which they can provide a safe and appropriate environment for women and girls, Providing psychosocial support services and vocational training, in addition to specialized services through case management for women and girls subjected to gender-based violence, and providing them with appropriate support. Job opportunities in different places.